Retention Emails

Healthcompare and VelaPoint

This email series is an extension of the dialing out retention calls you do. Four emails are sent out over the year at different intervals. This is to check in with our customers, be a resource for any questions and be a helping hand while they get to know their plan.
Answer any questions, let them know what plan they purchased, through what carrier and that we (Healthcompare an Allstate company) is the enrollment service that helped them enroll in their plan, we are a continued resource for them and we will continue to check in with them throughout the year. If they have an SEP or are curious to switch plans during Medicare OEP, get them over to their agent of record ( if the AOR is no longer with the company, then to the next available agent.)
Goal is to retain them as a customer by having them be familiar with us with a good customer reputation and trust that we are a resource for questions and future enrollments. Get them the information they need or transferred to an agent to look at their options.

Email 1: Sent 2 weeks after their plan start date.

Email 2: Sent to a customer about a month after their plan start date.

Email 3: Sent to a customer about 3 months after their plan start date. It’s been a few months since they’ve had their plan, encourage them to be familiar with all of their benefits by looking at their plan documents they received from their carrier.

Email 4: Sent to a customer about 6 months after their plan start date. Asking them three questions on how the plan meets their needs and offers a free hassle-free benefits review, be a resource for any questions and help them get transferred to their Agent for a benefits review.

Four emails are sent out over the year at different intervals. This is to check in with our customers, be a resource for any questions and be a helping hand while they get to know their plan. This email series will also be paired with outbound retention calls by the customer service team starting in March 2024.
Answer any questions, let them know what plan they purchased, through what carrier and that we (VelaPoint an Allstate company) is the enrollment service that helped them enroll in their plan, we are a continued resource for them and we will continue to check in with them throughout the year. If they have an SEP or are curious to switch plans, get them over to their agent of record (if the AOR is no longer with the company, then to the next available agent).
Goal is to retain them as a customer by having them be familiar with us with a good customer reputation and trust that we are a resource for questions and future enrollments. Get them the information they need or transferred to an agent to look at their options.

Email 1: Sent 2 weeks after their plan start date.

Email 2: Sent four to five weeks after plan effective date.

Email 3: Sent to a customer 3 months after their plan start date.

Email 4: Sent to a customer 6 months after their plan effective date.